Kenshō is a Japanese term, derived from Zen tradition.
Kenshō: “Seeing” one’s own (true) nature.
Our true nature is innate, and was present within us even before we were born.
To access our true nature, we need to see how our Body, Mind and Emotions are connected, and utilize this in-built and organic connection to experience our innate worth.
When we believe we need to prove ourselves to be deemed worthy, we get caught up in external achievements and our value is based on what we achieve and whether we succeed.
At Kenshō Wellness, we recognize that Body, Mind and Emotions are fundamentally intertwined. The relationship between each, and all, of our three parts can realise our deepest desires, or our darkest fears. The key is to have them work together so we can get a glimpse into our true nature.
At Kenshō Wellness, we believe that SELF WORTH IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT.
We use a holistic approach to help you access your innate worth. Once you see a glimpse of your own true nature, you start living from a place of wholeness.
Employing tried and tested modalities, we teach you how to bring love and acceptance to every single aspect of you. We explore the manifestations of your limited thinking and gently guide you to wholeness.
Get ready to meet your true and authentic self.
Our clients do not “have problems” or “need fixing”. We are all shaped by the mental, behavioural and spiritual patterns that make us who we are today.
Our methods – which include Holistic Counseling, Life Coaching, Ayurveda, NLP, Non Violent Communication, Parts Integration and Emotional Healing - are focused on discovering, and finding paths to, the selves we truly wish to become.