
I’m so glad you’re here.

By profession, I’m a Wellbeing Coach & Counsellor. I show you how to take your life and relationship to the next level through connecting with your intuition and becoming your own source of fulfilment and joy!

When I’m not coaching clients or facilitating workshops, you’ll find me Singing Ragas (Indian Classical Music), jamming on the guitar, hiking, dancing, practicing Yoga and moving my body to various forms of dance!

My highest values are: Honesty, Play, Integrity & Vulnerability.



Before starting this work, I struggled with low self-esteem, insecurities, self-doubt, and emotional unawareness my whole life. This led to me experiencing an accident when I was 23 which completely changed the trajectory of my life. Before this accident, I wasn't fully aware of just how unhappy and dissatisfied I was in my life. I would continually numb myself through outward pleasures such as travel, shopping, socialising, drinking, and eating. I realised I never knew what true joy really was until I faced my darkness and unhappiness. 

The physical pain I felt after the accident led me to address the emotional pain I had been carrying my whole life. I realised I didn't know who I was, I didn't know my likes, dislikes, or passions and I was completely disconnected from my body. 

Once I began reconnecting with my body and learnt to accept my emotions — and therefore myself — I started to feel more whole. I started to experience joy for the very first time, true joy.

I come from a household where codependency and enmeshment patterns were very common and I've lived the experience where I needed to hide parts of myself in order to feel accepted and get my needs met.

It was very liberating (and terrifying) to discover because it meant potentially losing connections, but instead of losing connections in my life, I got closer to my family, friends, and partner. 

Being true to myself led me to this career where I now help individuals access their personal power, prioritise self-connection, and experience more joy and abundance than ever before. I absolutely adore my clients, hold deep respect for them and this sacred work. 

This work has been literally life-changing and continues to transform me in spectacular ways. I'm developing a solid sense of self, feel secure in my being, and continue showing up with courage and realness in my life. 

Life rewards courage and I experience this on the daily. 

There's a constant unfolding of character happening through this work, for myself and my clients.

Struggles + challenges I've personally overcome:

  • Chronic pain

  • Low self-esteem 

  • Insecurities

  • Emotional numbness

  • Wearing masks and hiding parts of myself to gain approval

  • Fear to take risks and try new things

  • Holding back and not speaking my truth

  • Hardly prioritising myself and my needs

  • Afraid to speak my mind and express my needs

  • Unawareness of who I am

  • Shame (not good enoughness) 

  • Low self-worth

The containers I provide are extremely effective in helping individuals realise their true potential.

Ready to leave fear behind and step into a more aligned version of yourself?


Certificate in Holistic Counselling, Diploma in Life Coaching, Certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), 200hr Yoga Teacher Training at Sivananda Ashram, Kerala, Vipassana

Finding yourself” is not really how it works. You aren’t a ten-dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are. “Finding yourself” is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you.
— Emily McDowell

Every session with you is so impactful. I now feel a deeper connection and have formed a deeper understanding of myself. I’ve increased my ability to love myself and I’m so inspired to get to know myself more. I loved the visualisations, journal prompts, breath-work and the feeling of safety I get with you Sanya. All of this combined has led to the most magical experience. I’m so thankful to have met you for myself, for my sister and our entire family! We are all so impacted by your work! You have redefined the word ‘perfection’ for me. It has changed to the word ‘wholeness’ and I now think wholeness is perfection. You’ve role modelled to me that I can be strong, confident, vulnerable, fulfil responsibilities, process your emotions, be personable, assertive AND kind. This is so inspiring, motivating, relieving and more enriching than my initial outlook of what kind of woman I want to be. Thank you so much Sanya”

- T.M | Melbourne




“Sanya is an amazing coach! I have been working closely with her over the past two years and have recently completed my second coaching journey. I have absolutely loved my time with Sanya, she has helped me work through childhood trauma, cultivate confidence & self love & given me the tools to become much more in tune with my body. What I really love about Sanya is how authentic and committed she is to you. She is ALWAYS there for you and holds space for you to express yourself and be heard in a safe space that feels very genuine. I have to say my choice to work with Sanya has enriched my life and I am very thankful for her dedication & guidance over the years & I know her support will always continue. Thank you, Sanya!”

- Jacqui Erskine | Stylist | Melbourne
