Can you imagine someone having your back 24/7?

Someone that supports you through every single hurdle, someone that thinks the world of you, adores you, and isn’t afraid to love you at your darkest.

An inner best friend who takes you as you are: raw, messy and utterly human.

Well, that’s what we’re here to do. This 1:1 Intensive is designed to help you meet that special someone. To help you look into the mirror and finally, for the first time in your life, genuinely appreciate the person looking back at you.

This Self Love Intensive is not for the faint hearted.

You see, self love isn’t just liking yourself on some days because you went to the gym or got a big paycheck. Self love is loving yourself with so much passion every single day, that regardless of your accomplishments, you’re in full acceptance and validation of yourself.

Self Love is felt when you cultivate and respond to your inner best friend, your inner parent, your inner cheerleader, your inner guide. The one who doesn’t need you to do, or be anything, in order for you to feel worthy. Self love is facing the parts of yourself that you’ve been avoiding all your life. Self Love is radical acceptance of who you are, as you are.

Everyone is born completely whole. Yet somewhere along the way, we got introduced to the idea that we are lacking something. When we experience low confidence, lack the ability to ask for what we truly want, repeatedly shame ourselves for our appearance, and speak critically to ourselves, we are experiencing the symptoms of a lack of self love. What we’re doing is taking the thousands of negative voices that influenced us as were growing up and defining ourselves in this negative way.

It’s far too easy to allow our negative thoughts to spiral out of control; to allow fear and self-pity to overwhelm us and prevent us from living the life of our dreams. I’m here to help you change these patterns. I’m here to guide you back to radical acceptance.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve had many clients approach me because they simply want to live a more meaningful life. Together, we’ve crafted visions for better jobs, better relationships, more confidence and higher self esteem. But the driving force behind all of these outcomes has been self love. So I created this intensive so each of my clients have the opportunity to build a life of their dreams that’s rooted in unshakable self-worth. So that they can finally stop criticizing themselves for all that they are not, and finally start valuing themselves for who they ARE.

Through this intensive, we will be exploring all the ways in which you’ve forgotten about your true essence. We’ll do this by firstly showing you a glimpse of who you really are, and then working through each of your blocks one by one and uncovering the love that’s always been within you.

By focusing on the following areas, this intensive is designed to assist you in building a loving relationship with yourself and experiencing an unshakable sense of self worth. Over 4 months, we will:

  • Meet, greet and build a relationship with your inner child

  • Learn to fully complete the cycle of negative emotions, and learn how to self soothe during times of distress

  • Build boundaries and express these to your loved ones and work colleagues

  • Practice the process of Self Inquiry and question the beliefs that are no longer serving you, so they can loosen their grip on you

  • Change the narrative of your life, by recontextualizing the most impactful events in your life

  • Learn essential communication skills to assist you during times of conflict

  • Clearly identify your needs, and learn how to get them met

  • Become aware of the darker, suppressed aspects of yourself, and lovingly bring them into the light. This will lead to a deeper place of self-acceptance.

In this program, instead of showing you ways of how to love yourself, we’re going to address all the ways you’re NOT being loving to yourself. What’s left? Only love and appreciation for who you are. Most importantly, this intensive is here to teach you things that you never learnt growing up, and how to make these essential tools and processes a part of your daily life.

Program Details:

The intensive takes place over 4 months and includes the following:

  • 12 x 1:1 sessions. Approximately 60-90mins

  • Monthly Live Group calls with other members of the Self-Love Intensive where each person will be given a chance to voice their concerns and witness the magic of Group Coaching.

  • Take home practices which must be completed in between sessions

  • Personalised support throughout the intensive

  • 10 powerful tools to promote energetic shifts and experience emotional freedom

At the end of this intensive, you can expect to have learnt the practice of self-love, and experience inner peace, wholeness, self-assurance, self-acceptance, self-compassion and learn to differentiate between the moments when you are, and aren’t being loving towards yourself.

Are you ready for radical acceptance?

Are you ready to fully commit to yourself?

I’m ready to help you experience an unshakable sense of self worth.

If your entire being is lighting up at the sound of this intensive, or you’re simply curious about whether this Intensive is right for you, book in your FREE Exploration Call.

Due to the depth and nature of this work, this Intensive is INVITE ONLY. All applicants are required to Book in an Exploration Call as a pre-requisite to joining this Intensive.