This 3 month program will guide you to strengthen your intuition, get in sync with your Soul + fiercely back yourself.
How would you live your life if you fully trusted that everything was working out for you?
By everything…I mean everything. Each and every single challenge and curve ball life throws your way.
Continue reading, if this idea intrigues you.
Your challenges are feedback from your Soul. And their purpose is not to harm you and make you feel helpless, but to convey a very important message to you about what you want, who you are, and more importantly about, who you are not.
You’ve been feeling lost for a while. Living life on auto-pilot. You’re tired, demotivated and caught up in negative thought spirals. You’re anxious about speaking your mind and expressing your true wants and needs. You hold yourself back and keep saying yes to things to please others.
You're pretending to be someone you're not. Sometimes, you feel like a disappointment. You know you cannot control what others think of you.
yes, you have a good circle of friends, been in relationships, made money, got promotions & travelled. life is pretty good on paper.
Yet… you can’t shake off the feeling that something is missing.
You’re dissatisfied but you’re scared to do something different. You don’t want to disappoint anyone or let anyone down.
Change feels scary. Unpredictable. Yet, you don’t have energy to make a change, because things are tracking along…things aren’t too bad. You’re living.
But do you truly feel *alive*?
You’re waking up each morning with no anxiety and feel at ease about your day.
Your head is clear and your body feels light.
You feel present with every task in front of you.
Every activity you do in your day is energising you instead of draining you.
You don’t feel the need to have any answers or “certainty” about your life before taking action.
You’re no longer chasing happiness, and feel joy in the here and now.
You don’t worry about the future or about the unknown because you know you have your back, no matter what happens.
Your heart + mind feels open to new opportunities.
You’re able to communicate clearly and ask for what you want. Your need for belonging, love, connection + intimacy are getting met…effortlessly.
You feel free to be your silly, goofy, human self in social situations.
Your inner dialogue has shifted. You’re no longer critical towards yourself. Self Compassion has become your new normal.
Your mind feels clear and still.
You’re having vulnerable, open and honest conversations with loved ones, and feel deeply connected to them.
You’re not afraid of making the “wrong decision”. You trust yourself + the way your life is unfolding.
You know and understand yourself and your purpose here on the planet.
You feel more in flow with life.
You feel confident, out-spoken, secure and so goddamn worthy of getting what you want.
You don’t feel lonely, because you truly enjoy your own company and have a beautiful, loving and caring relationship with yourself.
All of this is possible for you.
In fact, darling it’s inevitable.
It all starts with Self Connection.
I’m not selling you an esoteric idea. Self Connection is grounded in your day to day life. It’s the act of connecting to your Soul, by utilising the tools you already have at your disposal - your intelligent mind, body & emotions.
Join us for an extremely special, and revolutionary experience in The Self Connection Zone.
This intimate group program is made to help those who feel dissatisfied and doubt themselves, feel confident, rejuvenated and excited about their lives. Over 12 weeks, you'll get in sync with your Soul, uncover your intuitive gifts and develop a deep knowing about who you are.
You know those moments of awe, wonder, delight, pure joy, clarity, ecstasy, contentedness, peace and stillness? That’s your Soul, speaking to you and saying “Fuck yes” to the experience in front of you. That’s feedback.
We all want more of those moments in our life. Because they make us feel alive.
Yet, these moments are few and far in between.
What if I told you that you can experience these moments on the daily?
This requires you to get in tune with yourself, so you can receive your Soul’s guidance.
Unlike your mind, your Soul does not feel the need to know your next steps. It only guides you, and your role as a human, is to listen. When you listen, you automatically feel more relaxed. Connected. Because you’re tuning into your OWN wisdom. Your own power. Your own intuition.
You become the expert on you.
You become more confident.
You have your own back.
This is your path to recognising the power you possess as a human being on this planet.
In this program, my focus will be on teaching you how to tune into your heart and uncover your relationship to your Soul so you can feel confident to speak your mind, make decisions & ask for what you want.
Listening to your heart never leads you astray.
Because your heart is the gateway to your Soul. Your Soul is here for the human experience. It’s here for an adventure. It’s here to play.
When you live from your heart + are deeply connected to your Soul, you don’t need to know what’s going to happen. You know you’re taken care of.
The Self Connection Zone is your answer to unlocking the wisdom you hold within your Soul, so you can trust life, and relax in the knowing that you’re exactly where you need to be right now.
This program will simply remind you of what you already know. It will support you to be exactly who you are, to speak with conviction, to unconditionally back yourself and to trust in the unfolding of your life.
Join us for a truly life changing experience. We start on 22nd July.
Through consistently connecting with your Soul, you’ll be guided into a space of sweet surrender, peace, contentedness and relief.
The Details
Here’s what you receive when you say ‘Yes” to Self Connection:
TSCZ will take place 3 times a month, consisting of a small group of individuals, who are all there to strengthen their intuition, live more vulnerably and follow their Soul’s guidance.
Get ready to know yourself, like never before.
What’s included?
🌿 A fun Opening Ceremony
🌿 8 x 90 min sessions (taking place 3 times a month, for 3 months), consisting of live coaching, meditation, breath-work & embodiment practices.
🌿 Support, guidance and encouragement in between calls via Signal
Opening Ceremony: Friday 22nd July
Live Self Connection Sessions:
Tuesday 26th July, Tuesday 9th August,
Tuesday 16th August, Tuesday 23rd August, Tuesday 6th September,
Tuesday 13th September, Tuesday 20th September
Time: TBC
This is the most affordable option to receive 1:1 guidance along with group support over the span of 3 months. Sanya’s coaching containers usually cost between $1200-$1800 per month.
To access the full program + 3 x 1:1 Soul Coaching Sessions, it’s 3 easy instalments of $1,222 (+GST) per month for 3 months or $3,000 (+GST) paid in full.
Extended payment plans:
🌿 6 easy payments of $666 (+GST) per month x 6 months
🌿 12 easy payments of $333 (+GST) per month x 12 months.
To access + be part of the full program, it’s 3 easy instalments of $888 (+ GST) per month for 3 months, or $2000 (+GST) paid in full.
Extended payment plans
🌿 6 easy payments of $488 (+GST) per month x 6 months
🌿 12 easy payments of $245 (+GST) per month x 12 months.
Hey, I’m Sanya.
I’m going to be your guide & facilitator in The Self Connection Zone. By profession, I’m a Holistic Life Coach & a Counsellor.
I used to wake up feeling drained every morning, and I lived that way for so long, because I never experienced the opposite, it was all I knew. I would chase happiness through my relationships, career and travelling. I knew deep down that something was off, but I felt stuck and powerless to make a change. I had a false idea of who I was, distorted by trauma & conditioning, and this idea ruled my life. I thought I wasn’t good enough. I felt unworthy. It wasn’t until my Soul jolted me awake through an accident that led to chronic pain in my body for 6 whole years, that I realised how inaccurate this perception really was. All of my thoughts and emotions were responding to my childhood conditioning. I had been programmed to believe that I was lacking in someway.
This has been my main life’s work. Undoing the programming. Reconnecting to my body. Taking care of my emotions. Getting in sync with my intuition and building a new solid identity that’s rooted in worth, trust and acceptance.
Doing this work has led to a homecoming.
I’ve learnt to listen to my Soul, trust myself, have my back and trust in the unfolding of life. Feeling peace, contentment, relief, joy & freedom are everyday states that I now get to access. These states have all come as a result of listening to my intuition, following my Soul’s guidance and reconnecting to my body. This is the wisdom that I’d like to share with you. I can’t tell you what your experience is going to be like, but I can promise you, it’s going to be a wild ride!
Here’s a guarantee of what I can offer you:
Expert guidance via Coaching and Counselling. A safe space to unpack your challenges. Care. Nurturing. Love. Acceptance. Non-judgement. A model of healthy relationships and interdependency. A safe place to make mistakes and be your messy, raw, human self. Annnnd, FUN, lots of fun!
“I’ve developed a growing sense of pride and love for me & for who I am underneath, recognising that the innate me is secure and calm”
"Before I started working with Sanya, I struggled with an underlying sense of self-worth, which showed up in my life in the form of insecurities (about my work, my relationships, my 'goodness' and likability). Working with Sanya has been transformative. I have learnt deep insights into my early emotional experiences, my maladaptive coping mechanisms, and narratives. I now have the knowledge, insights and tools to be able to support myself with compassion through life's challenges. I’ve been slowly practicing taking up space, meeting my needs, speaking my truth and advocating for what I believe in. I have an emotional strength and flexibility to serve me through life- and a desire and commitment to become my full vibrant self."
- Caity, Melbourne
“My choice to work with Sanya has enriched my life. I have developed a deeper understanding of myself, I have learnt to love & accept parts of myself that I pushed away and have gained countless insights from our sessions”
“Sanya is an amazing coach! I have been working closely with her over the past two years and have recently completed my second coaching journey. I have absolutely loved my time with Sanya, she has helped me work through childhood trauma, cultivate confidence & self love & given me the tools to become much more in tune with my body. What I really love about Sanya is how authentic and committed she is to you. She is ALWAYS there for you and holds space for you to express yourself and be heard in a safe space that feels very genuine. I have to say my choice to work with Sanya has enriched my life and I am very thankful for her dedication & guidance over the years & I know her support will always continue. Thank you Sanya xx”
- Jax, Melbourne
“The greatest benefit of coaching with Sanya has been the restoration of my self-confidence”
I’ve gone through a remarkable journey with Sanya over 6 months of coaching, and I am no longer crippled by anxiety. I’ve adopted healthier methods of recognizing and responding to it. It almost feels like an eternity ago when I felt lost, and unsure if I'd be able to achieve my dreams. Working with Sanya, I am now more aligned with my vision and understand that I am (and will always be) a work in progress. The difference is that now I know what to prioritize when it comes to fulfilling my dreams. I am slowly transforming into the person that I am meant to be. I am now able to resolve conflict and drama, instead of riding along on the emotional roller-coaster. I feel strong, empowered and have become more communicative in my personal relationships.
Sanya is an absolute delight to work with! She created a safe space where I was completely at ease to open up about things that I have never told anyone else. I never once felt judged by her. Thank you for giving me such an uplifting and safe space to discuss and confront my fears and anxiety. I would 100% recommend Sanya as a coach for anyone who feels stuck or requires a sense of direction in life."
- Sophia, Auckland
“What we were able to accomplish together would have taken me years, possibly my whole life, if I was just reading books and trying to work through it on my own”
"My life has changed DRAMATICALLY since we finished coaching. And honestly I can say that every step that I've taken in my life has been because of the skills I developed in coaching. Whether it was MAKING a change in my life because I knew what had to be done, or just adapting to changes that were thrown AT me, I handled every single hurdle this year with humility and grace and total confidence that there was literally no better way to be handling it. My decision-making process has become so much more empowered. What we were able to accomplish together would have taken me years, possibly my whole life, if I was just reading books and trying to work through it on my own. You have, in huge measures, patience, trust, kindness, compassion, allowing, inspiration, and are an incredible mentor and spiritual friend. We should all aspire to have as much compassion, understanding, and strength, as the world would be a MUCH better place".
- Jill, California
Here to clear your doubts…
What is “Self Connection?”
Self connection occurs in the act of listening to your heart and following the wisdom revealed to you through every sensation, thought and emotion. Self Connection occurs when you are connected to your heart (aka the gateway to your Soul), tuned into your intuition and you’re living in accordance to the wisdom of your Soul. E.g. You intuitively know when something feels right, or something feels off. Self Connection is a sign of spiritual maturity.
Disclaimer: Self Connection is easier than you think. It only requires the right conditions and support for this connection to blossom. This is why TSCZ is taking place in a group setting. Every individual within this group will be cultivating this connection and recognising the messages of their Soul on a daily basis, whilst being surrounded by others who are on the same mission.
What do you mean when you refer to the Soul/True Self?
The Soul/True Self/Spirit refers to the aspect of you that exists beyond your body and mind. It’s the part of you that existed before you came here. It’s the part of you that will continue to exist after you die. It’s eternal, unchanging and unaffected by your life here on Earth. Your Soul doesn’t feel pain. Your Soul doesn’t have emotions, it only has one vibration, that of love.
Why did you create TSCZ?
I believe that the root cause of our problems boils down to one simple reason: disconnection to who we truly are. When something feels “off” and isn’t a right fit for us, our Soul lets us know through our thoughts, emotions and the sensations in our body. The answers and guidance are always there, right where we are. But because we are so disconnected from the sensations in our body, used to living up in our heads and conditioned to believe that the answers lie outside of us, we get disillusioned by the thoughts, ideas and limitations of our mind, and operate from a solely logical place. This leads to further disconnection, feeling lost or stuck, fearful and confused.
I created TSCZ to help those who struggle with connecting to themselves get to a place of beautiful intimacy with their body, mind and Soul. During this program, I’ll show you how to develop your intuition so you’re in constant harmony with your Soul.
Why do we need to connect to our Soul/True Self?
When we’re connected to our Soul, we feel more at ease. We trust in life and therefore in ourselves and we feel better equipped to handle the challenges that life presents to us.
When we don’t listen to these messages, our problems expand, our challenges pile up, the messages get louder and our anxiety increases. This is what leads to suffering.
The pain is always here to remind you where you are “off path”, and it’s a sign to get you back on path, so you can be the person your Soul has destined you to be in this lifetime.
What can I expect by joining TSCZ & participating in this intimate group program?
You’ll be more in tune with your body (especially if you have any aches/pains or illness), you’ll gain deeper insight into the messages that are being conveyed to you via these symptoms.
You’ll know how to decipher between a “Soul Yes” and a “Soul No”.
You’ll starting listening to your intuition and feel safer in taking bold risks
You’ll only start doing things that feel right
You’ll trust yourself and your actions and back yourself like never before
You’ll be more open to receiving love
You’ll gain understanding of your life purpose
You’ll build a solid Sadhana (daily practice) that is reflective of your personality & identity
You’ll rest more deeply in “beingness”, instead of “doingness” and detangle your productivity from your self worth
You’ll recognise the messages from your Soul and feel intimately connected to Source
You’ll start flowing with life and embrace uncertainty
You’ll feel better equipped to handle any challenge life throws at you, because you’re in tune with your True Self
You’ll have the opportunity to build a new and empowering identity
You’ll become your own Guru, saviour, and healer
You’ll live less in your head and more in your body
You’ll feel at ease about life and truly be able to be more present
You’ll open up to a whole new way of being. Past clients who have worked with me report feeling happier in general because they’ve experienced a radical shift in perspective, resulting in more confidence, femininity and joy.
Revolutionary self acceptance: You’ll start accepting yourself as you are. In fact, you’ll see that acceptance isn’t even required for you to feel at peace with who you are. You’ll just start seeing what “is” and see yourself as perfection
How will I know if this program is the best fit for me?
You have an inkling that you’re more than just your body and your mind.
You have a feeling that something exists (an energy, a higher power, God, universe) that is beyond comprehension.
You desire to know all parts of yourself.
You crave intimacy in relationships, and desire to have more open, honest and vulnerable conversations with loved ones.
You understand that all relationships (including your work & personal relationships) are a mirror of your relationship to yourself.
You desire to live from your heart
You wish to bring more softness, grace and femininity into your relationship with yourself and others.
You desire to bring your raw, messy, human self to a space where you know you won’t be judged.
You wish to feel more confident, out-spoken, secure and deeply rooted in your worthiness.
You’re curious about what exists beyond the ego/identity
You believe that anything is possible for you
You’re ready to flow with life, live courageously and truly feel at home in your body
You’re excited to connect with other like minded Souls and grow together.
I feel shy. I’m not used to sharing my challenges so openly in a group setting…
Being vulnerable in a group can feel scary. I’ve been there too. What I’ve learnt from participating in numerous group programs as well as holding space for individuals who are concerned about sharing so openly in a group setting is that it’s SUPPOSED to feel a little scary. And I invite you to see that fear as a sign that you’re getting closer to what you want. The antidote to fear and anxiety is safety. I will do my very level best to help you feel safe in the group. You’ll be seen, heard and held in our sacred space, exactly as you are. If you’re scared of speaking up and expressing yourself in front of others, this a great space for you to experiment and exercise this muscle. I’m an experienced space holder, so you’re in good hands :)