You’re here because for as long as you can remember, you’ve felt like something’s missing.
You’ve gone from achievement to achievement, from success to success and yet, you don’t feel satisfied.
Your self-worth is tied to your external achievements. You feel the need to earn your self-worth, and use your successes to validate yourself.
And why shouldn’t you? Everyone around you seemed to admire you most when you were succeeding at work and thriving in your relationships.
Firstly, I want to say that you’re not wrong for feeling this way. What you’re experiencing is extremely valid.
It makes sense. You make sense.
You see, you’ve been operating from your mind’s programming. Our mind is programmed to believe it’s limited since a young age, and causes us to believe that we need to consistently ‘do’ & ‘achieve’ in order to be lovable. In other words, we believe that what we do, determines our worth in this world.
You’ve been striving for success, fulfillment and validation, and have been taught to seek these internal feelings through external means, so that once and for all, you can feel enough.
I’ve lived this way for the last 26 years, and let me tell you, it got me nowhere. Sure, I felt successful in my career, and my life looked good on paper, yet, I knew something was missing.
If negative thought spirals are keeping you up at night, and you’re tossing and turning because you’re sick and tired of feeling like you’re not good enough, you’re in the right place.
If you have a hard time accepting yourself, and are done trying to prove yourself to the world, you’re in the right place.
If you feel that there’s a mismatch between how you present yourself and show up in this world, and how you truly feel on the inside, you’re in the right place.
If you’re done tying your self-worth to your achievements and looking for love outside of yourself, you’re in the right place.
I can’t say it enough.
You, my dear, are in the right place.
There’s a part of you, your true nature, that IS enough.
Self-worth is your birthright, and you are inherently worthy. There’s nothing you need to DO, or BE in order to access your inherent worth.
You’re the source of love you seek, and I’m here to show you how to connect with what’s been yours all along – your worth.
I don’t expect you to believe me. I invite you to experience this.